Self Control

“If you learn self control, you can master anything”

Life is full of temptation which aim at pulling us back from the right path, and especially when we lose self control, seduction from devil will encroach our whole life. This encroachment make us lose the correct judgement of deciding what is right and what is wrong. What can make us stay away from all sorts of temptation in life? SELF CONTROL.

Self control is way more than mastering our physical act, most importantly, it can master our belief and strengthen ourselves from inside to outside. When people have strong self control over their belief, their action will reflect how strong their self control is. As long as people can master what they feel inside, their life are unbeatable. As a result, physical action is just a result from the level of our self control.

“It is easy to destroy something than to build things up”

In the past few years, I easily lost self control over my emotion and there were a lot of temptation in my life bringing me to emotional breakdown. For years, whenever I got sober or drunk, my emotion fluctuated a lot, I cried and felt so depressed about my life. And then when I woke up another day, I had serious hangover and my mood was badly affected by the triggered emotion. I tried to cut down the consumption of alcohol, but my belief was so weak that every time I surrendered from temptation. Few weeks after I broke up, I felt like I was moving on in a good way and started to let him get away from my life, but whenever I got drunk, I missed him terribly and wanted to find him so much. This triggered emotion just simply destroyed all the efforts I spent on helping myself move on, and pull me back to the dark corner, struggling in the dark.

“It is difficult to get rid of bad habit, but when you did that, you feel awesome!”

In these two weeks, I start to receive god wisdom from my sisters and I have a new insight on how to make a better self control. Before you control yourself from doing something, we have to understand the ultimate goal and potential hazard of that action. I witness myself a great change when I start strengthening my own belief in controlling my emotions. I promised to myself cut off consumption of alcohol because I truly understand that this will bring me to a devastated situation which restrict me from moving on to a brand new life. And yesterday, I felt so proud of myself that I did that! In my friend’s birthday party, I just drank a bottle of beer and nothing else. In the past, in such kind of parties, I would have drunk so much and sometimes get drunk. At that moment, my mind was so strong and it told me to stay away from the alcohol because it would definitely drag you to hell and wasted all the efforts I spent over the weeks in strengthening myself. I finally understand that when the belief in my mind is strong enough, my action will reflect what my mind thinks.

As a result, in order to facilitate my level of self-control, I have made a list which I should do to help me move on.

  1. Cut off consumption of alcohol
  2. Avoid night life
  3. Restrict myself from going to LKF area
  4. Be responsible for my plan

I will keep updating the list after I can master first step of self control. Healing is a long journey, it is not easy, but I will try very hard to get myself back to right track.

“Six Letters, Two words, Easy to say, Hard to explain, Harder to do: MOVE ON”

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