Comfort Zone may kill you

” People feel good to stay in their comfort zone, and aim at bringing others to their zone”


People, me included, feel good to stay in our comfort zone for most of the time. In this zone, we can be exactly who we are and nobody is gonna judge and against you. Sometimes we know that staying in zone is harmful to us, but it takes so much effort and strength to jump out of this zone. We hesitate, we struggle and in most cases we choose to stay inside the zone because it just makes you feel so comfortable. Even if they know that there is a big beautiful and promising world outside the zone where magic is gonna happen there, they just feel so reluctant to CHANGE. You may ask why people are so stupid that they let go of a forest and hold on a dying tree in their life? It’s because in order to step out of the comfort zone, you need a very strong belief to hold on the process of CHANGE.

“It is so easy to pull someone down then to bring someone up”

Sometimes, because we feel so good in staying in our comfort zone, and this sort of “belief” will affect the people around them. They will try to pull people to get inside their comfort zone, and make them adapt their values and belief. As they are so afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone to seek for new possibilities, they will try very hard to destroy you and “reshape” your values to become theirs. Until a moment when you no longer distinguish what are you believing because we are totally manipulated by them already. It is so easy to pull someone down then to bring someone up, that is why there are a lot evils around us try to make us to make consensus with them.

This is applicable for love, work, friendship and everything that happen in your life. Soon after I graduated from university, I took a job offer to company S. After first month of work, I actually knew that this is not the company that I wanna stay because I felt so lost when working there. I had to abandoned all the values and belief that I held for years in order to shape myself in that working culture. However, I kept telling myself to hold on and maybe few months later I might feel in love with this job. Month after month, things just did not get better, but I was so afraid to step out of my comfort zone to seek for new opportunities, because I got my good friends there, I felt so tired to get myself prepared to interviews and job hunting. I totally knew that the road I chose was killing myself in my heart, diminishing “me” in my heart and letting go a lot of values and belief that I used to believe. Until a point I felt myself cannot even live in that comfort zone anymore, then I started to seek for new opportunities. I took a year to leave my comfort zone which at the beginning if I was strong enough to let go of what I held, I would have saved a year to get my flourishing future.

When you give yourself to God, believing he can give you all the strength in every stage of your life, and keep your heart always open, then he will give all the strength you needed in pursuing a better future by stepping out from your comfort zone.

5 thoughts on “Comfort Zone may kill you

  1. Maverick

    The whole theory and situation applies to me as well. After seven years of a job I still can’t bring myself to leave a job that pays well but takes a lot in return, I feel like in a decade I will be left alone and die.

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