Be Responsible For Every Decision


“People tend to wait to see if there is better alternative”

Through creating an event in facebook, people can choose to “go”,”not go” or “maybe” to an event. And it is quite surprising that the box “maybe” is being chosen the most among the others. What do you mean by “maybe” going ? It is like something you want to do it but it is not yet at your first priority, you want to wait to see if there is any other better choices later.

It is easy for us to find that when people are asking for gathering in many whatsapp groups , people’s responses are always like “not sure”, “may be okay” or “dont count me first, maybe available later”… and other excuses. However, when we really want to make ourselves to a gathering, we will try our best to arrange the time to go instead of giving uncertain answer or even ditch the group. One of the reason is people do not place the gathering/meet up in their first priority at that moment, and they want to see if there is any other alternatives which are better than the gathering, and then they will ditch the group meet up. Actually, if you really do not want to attend, we can simply tell your friends that you will not attend, and then your friends will not be disappointed.

“Your image is built on your action”

This delayed decision making affect our daily life and relationship with people around us too. There were a period of time, I tend to date different friends for gathering or agree to attend different events. I often promised to be there but didn’t really look into my calendar first or think of if I really want to be there. It turns out many of them are actually time-clashed, which means I have to forgive some of them that I have made my promise to go before. I felt sorry about rescheduling my friend’s date because I had to attend another which I think it was more important, this act was actually a terrible one. Not only my friend feel unhappy for the changed plan, but also make myself an irresponsible image.

“You are what you behave”

After knowing more about God, I realised that when we are responsible for the decision we made, then we can be more responsible to ourselves. Sometimes we ditched friend’s gathering because of many reasons like “I am so tired today”, “I forgot I had company event”. True, it is super easy for us to not doing something than keeping our own promises because keeping our own promise needs faith and strength. “You are what you behave”, your personal image is reflected by the action we took in our daily life. When you understand that your irresponsible action will actually result in bringing negative impact (disappointment) to others, that we won’t easily change our plan thereafter. When we can live up to what we said /promised, not only can we be responsible for others, bus also YOURSELF.


“Think before you promise”

When you promised something, please do it no matter how difficult it is. When we know that what we promised is far more than we can do it, next time you will make a wise choice or think more before you come to a decision. “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” – 1 Timothy 5:8. Therefore, think twice before you come to make a decision and be responsible to every decision you made, as this is the way that you are responsible for yourself.


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