Refuel your love tank


Love is like a glass of water, every time we spent it out, it takes us energy to consume the water. The more you spent, the faster the water goes out. Until a point that all water is gone, your love is empty and you feel so difficult to love again. Therefore, we have to keep refuelling the water in order to keep our love going.

Yet, when you are thirsty, you drink more than what you need to consume in normal situation. When you are deeply in love with somebody, you give out all of your heart loving them and spend all of your energy on him. If either one of you in the relationship fails to devote as much as the others, love loses balance and the water will consume faster than the rate it is refilled. When all the water goes out, our heart is empty and it is difficult for us to spend love again. Many of us, me included, are afraid and tired to get into another relationship because we have no “love energy” to keep us to fall into another person. We are so passive to refill our love tank because we are afraid to get hurt again if we pour the water into the glass again.

“In a long-distance flight, a jet has to refuel.”

After my last relationship failed, my love glass is so empty, which is just like a desert with nothing can grow there. I started to occupy myself with different activities because I could stop my brain and heart for a moment when I kept myself busy. True, I developed a lot of new habits which are really good for me. However, these activities take me so much energy. My time is so packed that I do not even have time to rest and let my mind to be stable for a while, and I have no energy to refuel my desert-like love tank. My energy tank is consuming at a rate faster than it restore.Imagine someone flying a jet saying, “I don’t need to refuel!” The jet would crash and burn. In a long-distance flight, a jet has to refuel.  In this healing journey, it is a long battle which requires a lot of energy to overcome different  obstacles. We should not force ourselves to reach our maximum in the early stage and then we will be so strengthless to deal with the temptations later on. And all of you know, devil always attack us in the weakest time, we should always get ourselves refreshed and charge ourselves back to the highest energy level whenever we start to lose balance.

“Love never gives up, never losses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstances” – 13:7 1 Corinthians. Whenever my energy level is being restored, then I have to ability to refuel my love tank back to the normal level, and believes that love is gonna work in my life again.



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