Me or You?

” Choose Me over You”

Today, when I have lunch with my colleague V, we shared about views over relationship. I shared with her the heart breaking moment I had few days ago and she shared her recently date with me. Interesting thinking came out…

She said

” There is not right you put yourself in terrible situation by just fulfilling his happiness and comfort”

That is so true, we are the only one whom we should be responsible for because we are the one who gonna be true and kind to. At any point of time, if a person or your partner is breaking you down, the only choice you can make is “any choices that is good for YOU”. In this cross road, YOU are the only one who should be chosen by you. There is no way we choose a way that hurt you so much and minimize the YOU in your heart. In any relationship, we should always take care of ourselves first before you take care of others.

“Be accountable for yourself before you take any responsibility ” 

Take Vow For yourself now


Please spend 15 minutes to watch it, you will gain more than what you expected.

Whenever I felt weak and no way out, this lady made me love myself again. This video worth everyone to watch it over and over again because this should be exactly how you should treat yourself forever.



Life Goal – Marry Yourself

Take vow for yourself,

“You are going to marry yourself for richer or poorer

When you marry yourself, you walk yourself down that aisle exactly where you are.

Loving yourself exactly where you are is the only way to get where you are going

You are going to marry yourself for better or for worse

Because when you marry yourself, you agree to stay with you no matter what.

You marry yourself for sickness and in health

Life does not give you what you ask for, it gives the people and the situations that allow you to develop what you ask for

When you marry yourself, it is to have and hold yourself

You love yourself in the way you want someone else to love you “


“Who you are will attract what kind of person in your life”

People are like magnet, like people will be attracted together. What drives this attraction? The attraction comes from your mind, your feeling, your past experience and most importantly your belief. It is not difficult to see friends around you always bumped into bad guys, got into bad relationships again and again, you may think that they are unlucky ones who always suffer from pain and sorrow. However, all these results from the energy they delivered to others.  People with the same energy level tend to group together like a magnet, because we found that it is comfortable to be with people of the same kind.

Before I got into my last relationship, I was into another complicated relationship which did not end up nicely. I was not recovered and recognised what I want most for myself then I fell into another relationship with my ex. My vulnerable past attracted another pathetic guy. At the beginning, I felt that we were so alike and we were hurt by someone else and we shared common grounds on this aspect. Soon after we were together, something tragic happened between us. This connection made our relationship even more messy, I was losing myself from who I want to be, what I want most in my life because at that moment, I felt like he was the only one who I can only rely on. I started to become someone whom I cannot even recognise, I became suspicious, emotional and lose of passion. My emotion was being triggered easily by him, and my whole world seemed evolving around this guy. My dedication of cause was not being appreciated and end up become a reason for our broke up.

“Do not fall into another relationship before you truly know what you want most”

Soon after the broke up, I was sort of emotionally broke down. I started to find all sorts of entertainment, find people to drink with me, enjoy the short term happiness from the night life. In that period of time, I felt myself so empty and the people surrounded me were not giving me energy to get out of the pain that I was suffering. In contrary, they magnified the pain that I was suffering. When I was in my darkness time, I met my friend S, she bailed me out of the hell and introduce me to God. We shared pain and sorrow together, we cheer ourselves up together, finding ways to make ourselves better, it feels so good that we are growing together and walking at the same pace and I feel myself is changing step by step in a good way, build up positive energy in myself. When you are strong enough to overcome all the feelings and obstacles, you will soon become a great person spreading out positive energy and eventually same kind of person will be attracted by your energy.



Love yourself more

Life always surprises you many ways that you wont expect it to be, it can bring you blessings all in a sudden and bring you pain and sorrow in another second.

“If a person is meant to stay in your life, he/she is destined to be”

This is probably my favourite quote this month after experiencing all the hard times in these months. Sometimes we will use all of our strength to beg for somebody’s love, hoping that they can stay in your life in a way that you want them to be. However, the harder you try, the more lost you are. Ultimately, you cannot even find yourself in that pathetic relationship. And then, you will start to question, is that the relationship that I want? Or you think love can overcome everything even though he does not treat you badly?

When love is strong enough like God, he will not walk away from you life and put all the blame on you to let you suffer from all the pain. No matter what explaination he gave out, you know those were lies delivered by all the devils, aiming to tear you down because they are just not brave enough to admit their mistakes and failure. After they hurt and torture you, they feel like they are free from all the sin they made up of.

“What doesn’t break you makes you stronger”

That’s true, it broke me down once. But I know God will not let me hide in the dark shadow suffering all the pain, he sent his lovely daughter (my soulmate) to deliver his message to me. Throwing back three weeks ago, I still thought that it was amazing that you brought her again to my life, bringing me to you kingdom of wisdom, bailing me out of the terrible darkness that I was suffering. In this stage, I cannot say that I am fully recovered from the pain, but I can say that I am taking steps to move forward, with the support of my sisters and you, giving me strength to hold it on. I will not make myself to forget that pathetic past, instead I have to remember it, until I have completely no feeling when I think of that again.

P.S. Thanks you for saying all those heart broken words to me, so that I can completely lose hope on you and give me the strength of looking forward.