Healthy in mind, Healthy in body


“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” – Romans 8:18

When time goes by, you will feel like health, both mentally and physically, is so important in our life. Our mental health will reflect in our physical condition, how healthy you are mentally, how strong you feel physically. We ‘burn’ with anger, ‘tremble’ with fear, feel ‘choked up’ with sadness; our ‘stomachs turn’ with revulsion. Everyone tends to experience unpleasant emotions as unpleasant bodily symptoms and thus to feel physically distressed when emotionally distressed.” That’s why, in order to keep us physically good, we have to deal with our mental health first.

Mental health is often being neglected by most of the people because they always relate mental health to negative things like emotional disorder, depression … However, mental health helps to strengthen our faith in our mind, and drive our physical action. Good mental health can be reflected in positive thinking, self control, strong determination and stress-less feel. When your mind starts to think positively, your body will react by doing constructive action , say exercises, healthy diet, get rid of bad habit because you realize that these things are harmful to your mental health. Of course, these physical action takes a lot of determination and self control, and these control are basically come from your mind. When your mental stage is healthy enough, you can identify good from bad, positive from negative.

‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’  – Isaiah 41:10


When your mental stage is unstable, you are putting yourself in danger and continue to dwell in into a stage which all things seem so negative to you. This thinking will reflect in your physical action. Two months ago, when my relationship nearly walked till the end, I felt so strengthless and always so stressful in my mind, I put so much burden in my mind and blame his fault and my fault in the relationship. I started to lose appetite (resulted in losing 2.5kg in two weeks), feel so tired (gave up exercise after work), bad quality of sleep (always had nightmare). My family doctor even suspected me having depressing and worried about my underweight problem will lead to disease. The more you think negatively, the deeper we dwell into a black hole of emotional disorder. I started to lose interest in things happened in my daily life, that I just want to lock myself up and did not want to hang out with people because I felt so tired in doing that. The less people I interacted with, the worse I was becoming because I felt so lonely. I felt so lonely that my ex-bf was not caring about me, people around me are not caring about me and everything just seem so dull and without color.

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13

Until to a moment when God appears in my life, his glory shined in my heart. I still remember after my first night to Alpha, my heart was so peaceful and calm, which was actually the most peaceful moment that I have ever experienced in the past years. I felt like someone is taking my burden in my mind away, sharing all my bitterness that I experienced. I had a strong feeling in my mind that I should STOP hurting myself like that, everything is not worth it. Since then, I started to pick up regular exercises, writing this blog, reading more books, trying things that I have never tried before and I have good appetite (gain back 2.5kg in 2 weeks!!!) and sleep well now! When my mind starts to think positively, positive changes are happening in my body as well. However, to be honest, during the first week of changing, it is tough because it is the easiest moment for you to give up, and go back to where you were. That is why health mental strength is important that it gives you strength and perseverance to carry out all kinds of physical actions.


How To Have a Healthy Mind?

  1. Being active

    Exercising makes you feel good and can help your mental health. It will also help you sleep better, and get the rest you need.


    Lower your alcohol intake

    Over use of alcohol can increase feelings of depression.

    Try not to dwell on past mistakes or negative things that have happened to you. We all make mistakes and stewing on things or worrying to excess will not change anything. Learn from the experience and be willing to move on.

    Be with people you enjoy being with and who make you happy.


    Connecting with friends and family

    Keep communicating and interacting, and tell those you trust how you are feeling if you’re going through tough times. Talking to others and seeking help early can be very helpful in reducing depression, anxiety and distress.

  4. Keep learning

    To keep your mind both healthy and active learn a new sport, language, learn to play an instrument, read books and take an active interest in feeding your brain with positive information.





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