Live Your Dreams


” A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grow there”

The one who cannot step out of their comfort zone, living a life without dream and passion which is called mentally dead, which is even more terrible than the one who is physically dead. Some of them always do not believe that they can change their destiny with a lot of different reasons, and surprisingly they can sit here for an hour and list out all the reasons why they cannot take challenge and change.

“Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning” 

People always believe that they will be failed before they even get started, it is like before you run the race, you think that you will lose and you don’t get it started.  Even though you run slow, if you start your first step, you will run to the finishing point one day. However, if you never start your first step, no matter how many years later, you are only still standing at the starting point but the people around you are already steps ahead you. Sometimes you do not know what will happen ahead after you step out your first step, but these experiences can help us to build a better self and we can learn from it. If you always stand on your original spot, you can never gain any experience or understand more about yourself. The fear inside you soul, the hesitation to try will hinder you from being successful.


“As soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life wakes up and everything has meaning”

It is also very interesting to see people believe strongly that they are going to fail before they actually get started. If they have faith in believing that they are not gonna succeed, why can’t they put faith in believing that they are going to succeed? It is also stated in a research that people are generally taking negative comments than positive ones because of insecurity. When you use the time on questioning yourself to make things happen, you are gonna be successful very soon. Successful is not as far as you imagine when you are determined to start. If you are determined to step out of your comfort zone, you are many steps closer to the goal of success.


“Follow the dreams, they know the way”

Lately, after I get in touch with a lot of people, I realized that for people who are looking for change and chance, they will open their ears to anything that can make them better. However, some of them want to try a new route, but their partners, friends and family just discourage them from trying. They cannot stand firm on their belief and easily being discouraged by negative comments, which lead them back off from the try. After seeing all the successful person in the history and the one around me, I realized that in order to success, you have great determination on what you belief and just go for your dreams. disney park is built after Walt Disney died, someone said it is so pathetic that he cannot witness his dream to be built. But Walt Disney said “I can already see Disney Park in my mind” when he was still alive. It is difficult to explain your dream to others, because they are not gonna agree with you or cannot see what they see. But always bare in mind that, it is important for us to see what we dream in our mind, and that is what it matters. It is because when you can see your dreams in your head, the people around you who have dreams will be influenced by you, so never stop dreaming.
