Always be thankful of how GOD enters our life


GOD always surprises you in an unexpected moment and he will deliver message in any circumstances with anyone. And I believe that there are not much coincidence in our life, these are all planned by HIM, sometimes he wants to protect us from dwelling in a dangerous situation, sometimes he wants us to go through the fire so that we can reborn with a better self.

“What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” -Matthew 8:29

After a year of broke up, I went through a lot of ups and downs and until a point I feel like I should have get rid of him. Until yesterday night, I realised that there is still a wound in my heart, I still put so much emphasis on what he say or his “comments” over our past relationship. Yesterday night was supposed to be my friend’s birthday party, but I have to farewell my collage friend first and I planned to drop by a while for the after party. But the farewell went so long and the MTR incident and workout this morning,  I decided not to go there. My best friend E replied me that my ex was there and he dragged E for a talk for a while and talked about our past relationship. I felt so insecure, fear and emotionally unstable after knowing he was talking about me. I started to feel anxious and all the sadness in our past relationship just keep popping up in my mind. I knew that the enemy is attacking me in a way that I felt so worthless and weak that I keep letting the sadness to invade me mind.”What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”- Matthew 8:29. God always has his planning, he uses different experience to let us count on him. And luckily everytime when I feel like I am falling apart, I will seek help from my sister S. She said, “This is how God is protecting you from seeing him again with all those incidents tonight, and you should be thankful about how God enters your life when you are in all those darkness days”. Whenever I think of how God enters my life, my tear just cannot stop, because the way he showed his unconditional love is incompatible in the entire earth.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. – John 10:10

However, satan always use all the tricks to make us feel broken and worthless, because they come here to kill and destroy. I fell into his trap again this morning that I was so tempted to ask my friend what he talked in detail yesterday night. I was so pissed off of the way he described me and also our past relationship and I became so angry and spoke so many ungodly words. I was totally dwell into his words and I felt so rejected for the whole morning and I questioned GOD why he let him appear in my life again? I was so tired and puzzled that I keep thinking of the intention of why he reached to my friend and why he still mentioned the incident after a year.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. – John 14L6

I was so annoyed and emotional for the whole morning and afternoon and all the old memories just keep popping out from my mind. Until tonight, I feel like I want to have a long prayer in my room. I asked GOD, why I am so weak , and why I am still so emotionally driven by him? Then the worship song sings “put down your fear, put down your hurts”, I was so touched by how GOD wants me to put down all the hurts that I have been through. Because those hurts are no longer important because GOD has entered my life and take all those hurts away, and he created a new identity for me, to serve and to pass his love to other people. Whenever I think of the past 10 months of what God has done for me, and how he transformed me to a different person, I feel so blessed and thankful.

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