Influential Power

f8af0dbd1fae598afdd483c0bce6239dWe, human being, are easily being affected by things happened around us, no matter it is good or bad. If we can make use of the influential power in a group, the positive energy in the group will power up; instead, if one of the people start spreading permissive message, the negative energy will also be spread around the group and causing the group spirit drops exponentially.

“Who you are with defines who you are” 

That is why our parents are so worried about the people who are around us, when you are with people who possess bad habits,  we have high chance in getting that bad habit too. Who you are with define who you are, it may not be true all the time, but it is a factual statement in most cases. When your friend circle is filled with people who like partying, having complicated relationship and crazy drinking habits, there is higher possibility for you to get into these habits. First, you have higher chance in knowing the existence of these habits, and in order to blend into the circle, you will try your first step in those activities. Sooner or later, the more you go to those activities, the easier you will get used to it and the less likely that you can get rid of those bad habits.

“Surround yourself with quality people can make you stronger”

Especially when you are choosing spouse, it is pretty important to observe his surrounding people, as like attracts each other, in order to be in the same circle, they must have basic common grounds to keep them together in the same circle. Also, when you observe his friend’s circle, you can better analyze what type of person he is in accordance to his criteria in choosing friends.This is an important factor which I have overlooked in my past relationship. Sometimes people can use words to cover their inner broken self, but action speaks louder than words, and it simply reflects what you think in your heart. In my past relationship, my ex bf friend circle is filled with party guys with complicated relationships, they always went crazy drinking and flirted with different girls. Even though he was not doing this, but his value would be easily being affected by his friend circle. One time he told me “I am already so good to you, I spend time with you every week. My friends always went partying and hooking up with few girls at a time, I think I am so good already”. I was like, isn’t it just basic commitment in a relationship, why you even put that on the table? The quality (especially mental quality) of the surrounding people is so important, in a a way that they will lift you up or pull you down.

When people of the same group are moving in the same direction, having the same goal, encouraging each other, it gonna pull everyone in the group up. Even if one of them is feeling permissive, he/she can be influenced by this positive energy and react positively. Instead, if some of the people in the group are easily give up and spread out negative message, these can affect the energy in the group and discourage the other people to react positively. A good accountable group can double up the power, whereas a bad accountable group can halve things down.